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was dit niet precies wat u zocht?
zie meer optiesDe meest geleerde taal ter wereld, en de taal met de meeste woorden. Een goede beheersing van het Engels is niet alleen erg handig voor het dagelijkse level en op je werk, maar ook van onschatbare waarde om de wereld aan te kunnen.
Met zoveel woorden en zo'n internationale uitstraling, kan Engels behoorlijk intimiderend zijn. We maken het jou dus graag zo gemakkelijk mogelijk. Hier is een voorproefje: in A1 reis je de wereld rond met onze Encompass-boeken en leer je om jezelf voor te stellen en te praten over je routine, hobby's en familie. Ook kleuren, vraagwoorden en de verleden tijd komen aan bod.
In A2 beginnen we te kijken hoe de tijden in het Engels worden gebruikt. Je breidt je woordenschat uit met professioneel Engels en synoniemen en praat over je dromen en ambities.
Intermediair Engels wordt een beetje pittiger. Bij B1 onderzoek je de Engelse tijden verder, en leert te begrijpen hoe en waarom ze worden gebruikt. Je begint artikelen te lezen, TedTalks te kijken en het nieuws te begrijpen. Je woordenschat groeit door meer synoniemen te gebruiken en woorden met voor- en achtervoegsels uit te breiden.
Bij B2 komen we tot de kern. We kijken naar conversatie versus formeel Engels. We onderzoeken ideeën en luisteren naar enkele geweldige geesten. De taal, die ruimschoots aanwezig is in interviews, documentaires en films, gebruiken je om je woordenschat bibliotheek uit te breiden.
Bij C1 evenaar je het niveau van het Engels, dat vaak op tv wordt gebruikt. Je maakt culturele verwijzingen en begrijpt gecompliceerde zinsstructuren. Je leert over de Engelse inversie en hoe je met meer gecompliceerde taal kunt overtuigen, voorstellen of argumenteren. Op C1-niveau ben je klaar om een universitaire opleiding in het Engels te volgen. Je kan lange academische teksten schrijven, gebruik makend van formele taal.
Bij C2 ben je totaal niet te stoppen. Je Engels is zo ontwikkeld dat je zowat elk academisch artikel kunt lezen. Je speelt net zo makkelijk met de taal als je gewend bent in je moedertaal.
read moreElke cursus is ontwikkeld rondom ons eigen materiaal, geschreven en ontworpen door onze docenten. U krijgt ook volledige toegang tot UPB Brain Training, zodat u ook buiten het klaslokaal kunt blijven leren.
Kijk op onze website voor ons complete cursusaanbod en vind er één die bij jouw wensen, niveau en doelen past.
Schrijf je nu in voor een cursus via onze webshop of stuur een kort bericht. We bezorgen je direct alle informatie over de cursus.
Nadat je akkoord bent gegaan met ons voorstel, schrijven we je graag in voor de taalcursus van jouw keuze. Nu ben je officieel ingeschreven!
Tijdens leuke, creatieve en interactieve taallessen brengen onze ervaren docenten jouw taalvaardigheid naar het volgende niveau!
Hoera! Je hebt je cursus afgerond. Gefeliciteerd! We belonen je na afloop van elke cursus graag met een bewijs van deelname.
Ben je nog niet uitgeleerd? Wil jij jouw taalniveau naar een nog hoger plan brengen? Geweldig! Una Paloma Blanca helpt je graag bij het verder leren.
Word on the street
Because I work in a department where English skills are very important to communicate with clients, I decided to follow a private intensive English course where I could quickly brush up my English knowledge and bring my writing and speaking skills to a C1 level. I liked most that the team of teacherRead mores immediately understood my needs and they focused on my preferences helping me achieving my goals in no time.Read less
I’m writing to thank you very much for the course you’ve organised for Egor. I was really surprised when, firstly, he agreed to do something like that on holiday, secondly, when after the first day with you he wasn’t incredibly tired as I would have expected, on the contrary, very excited. WheRead moren you asked us to speak only English during the week, I thought, ok, we’ll see! 😊 But, in fact, every time when I being forgetful say something in Russian, Egor says: “I’m sorry, Mum, I don’t understand you!” Moreover, in the evening on Monday he asked me to help him with his homework! What have you done?! 😊 How could you manage?! 😊 He never does his homework at school, maybe, during the break time before the lesson starts if the teacher is strict enough! 😊 I’m really impressed by the teaching skills of you! Thank you very much! It’s very important for me. I’ve wanted to introduce Egor to this kind of studying for a long time. He’s been never interested until now. As I told you, I’ve done a lot of language courses in England. I love it, I miss it very much. I’m happy that Egor seems to like it too. I think that in spite of the fact he’s doing a short course he’s going to have a great breakthrough in his English studies.Read less
I had already a very good English level before I got lessons from the teachers of Una Paloma Blanca, but after following the Business English Program at the language school, I noticed my confidence with the language increased quite a lot, specially when it came to speeches and team presentations. ThRead moreank you very much for all your help!Read less
Speaking is always the most challenging part of any new language, and with Dutch it feels even more difficult for me personally... I just can't gather the courage to try and verbalise sentences, but I am aware it’s maybe the most important part of becoming fluent. That’s what I most appreciate iRead moren our teacher at Una Paloma Blanca - however broken we may speak, she's always encouraging, fun and has a friendly, empathetic way of correcting us. That’s highly important to keep the motivation going and practice even outside the group, in real life.Read less
Being a marketer in a foreign country comes with its own set of challenges. Knowing the local language is not just a plus but a prerequisite. Hence, soon after I arrived in the Netherlands, I started my hunt for a language class. After scouting for days, I stumbled upon Una Paloma Blanca’s creativRead moree website. A couple of email conversations later, I found myself at their Eindhoven facility. I loved the vibe and decided to give it a shot. Soon after, it became a home away from home for me as I formed instant friendships within my group. Their one-of-a-kind learning material (an illustrative book that you would not want to put down) and immersive lessons helped me learn the language quicker than I had anticipated. Furthermore, it aided my understanding of the cultural nuances in the Dutch society that gave me an edge in interviews and formal conversations. I cannot thank my teacher enough (who went above and beyond every time) for her constant motivation and support. To all the fellow expats looking for a fun way to learn Dutch, I say go for it!Read less
Learning a new language is challenging and Dutch is no different. Learning how to speak confidently and have day to day conversations in Dutch as an expat is challenging. During the summer course what I liked the most was that we focused on the message we were trying to convey and how to properly saRead morey it instead of only correcting us. The balance between study material and outside activities makes the course not feel as intensive and actually makes it fun. The teachers also did a good job encouraging us and motivating us into starting conversations. For anyone looking to improve their vocabulary and gain confidence in conversing in Dutch I really recommend Una Paloma Blanca’s summer courses.Read less
Learning Dutch is hard enough, but without the right, dedicated teacher, it would be impossible for someone to learn. I have been studying at Una Paloma Blanca for almost 3 years. I find spoken Dutch the most difficult part, because the Dutch people have a certain accent which is not easy to learn. Read moreHowever, the teachers are so nice at this school and they encourage you to practice every time even if you don't speak perfectly... and basically, this is the whole point of following a Dutch course.... TO LEARN! This is what I always appreciate about my teacher: her teaching style, the way of explaining grammar to me, the empathy that she always shows me (not only to my broken speech). My teacher makes me feel part of this family. It is highly important to have the right teacher for your needs, who knows how to keep you motivated in this process of learning a new language all while integrating into Dutch society. Read less
Jorge González
I love the flexibility of UPB, how supportive the teachers and workers are and how easy they made it to learn a new language. They are helping me a lot with my difficulties learning Dutch and allowing me to communicate with people in fluent Dutch.
As polyglot, learning languages is my main hobby and for that reason I am always looking for the best teachers to boost my language skills! When I moved to my new life in Rotterdam I was so happy to see that there was a language academy just 3 minutes away from my house with all my languages, even Read moreRussian! I made a good decision in trusting Una Paloma Blanca to take my Dutch and Russian to the next level and the results are amazing: Currently I am able to work in Dutch and I can handle conversations in Russian Read less
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